From 2003–2018 Threesixteen supported, photographed and filmed Counties evangelist Clive Cornish during his unique walks, runs and climbs with the cross. In June 2019 a selection of images from these amazing adventures was exhibited in the iconic Norwegian Church Art Gallery in Cardiff Bay. This Christian art and photography exhibition entitled “Forty Days & Forty Nights” was designed to take viewers on a challenging and uplifting journey. A touring exhibition is now being considered.
Christian Art and Photography Exhibition
In an increasingly secular society Threesixteen wishes to reach out to challenge individuals and engage them through art and photography in discussion of the Christian faith. Threesixteen seeks to nurture an active and credible Christian presence within the arts by providing a challenging programme of high quality Christian art and photography exhibitions, talks and discussions.
In June 2019 Threesixteen held its first Christian art and photography exhibition, entitled “Forty Days and Forty Nights” in Cardiff’s Norwegian Church Arts Centre. The Norwegian Church is a much loved landmark building situated in Cardiff Bay. Formerly a Church for Norwegian Sailors, the iconic building dates back to the industrial revolution, when Cardiff Docks was the world’s greatest exporter of coal. Today the renovated Norwegian Church looks out over the waterfront and provides a cultural centre, art gallery and café.
Forty Days and Forty Nights Photography Exhibition
In the Bible the number 40 is often associated with times of testing, trial and preparation. Since 2003 Threesixteen photographer Lathan Ball has supported, photographed and filmed Counties evangelist Clive Cornish’s unique walks, runs and climbs. During these amazing journeys Clive carried a 12ft x 6ft wooden cross and his extraordinary adventures have included ascents of Britain’s highest mountains and a forty day walk from John O’Groats to Land’s End. The “Forty Days and Forty Nights” Christian art exhibition is a collection of 40 photographs captured during Clive’s incredible journeys. The photographs are displayed with a complementary Bible verse and the exhibition is designed to take viewers on a challenging, encouraging and uplifting journey.
How we support our Christian Art and Photography Exhibition
While photographing and filming Clive’s walks, runs and climbs grew the idea of employing photography and film to produce new and engaging multimedia Bible studies. The first series of four studies is called “They said it was impossible” and develops themes inspired by real events that occurred during Clive’s unique journeys. The Bible studies can be accessed online or downloaded from Threesixteen’s shop.
The “Online Bible Studies” are accessible from a laptop, tablet or Smartphone and launch a new m-learning (mobile-learning) programme. M-learning is viewed as the teaching tool of the future and Threesixteen believes the development of m-Bible studies and the presentation of the Gospel in this readily accessible format will encourage and support Bible study and life transformation. The new “Online Bible Studies” are available free to Christians and non-Christians attending the “Forty Days and Forty Nights” exhibition.
What’s Next?
Development of the “Forty Days and Forty Nights” photography exhibition was supported by Threesixteen and a grant from Catalydd. Threesixteen would now like to tour this hugely successful art exhibition and is now looking for new venues, sources of support and collaborating partners. If you would like to be involved in this work or would like to support this project please follow the links below. Thank you.
If you would like to work with Threesixteen or support this project then please contact Threesixteen or press the “Make a donation” button.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so whoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16